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ISO9001质量体系认证具体内容_百度知道(国外英文资料) Quality is an eternal topic in social production and life, and also one of the focuses of global economic development in this century. With the development of the times, the improvement of science and technology and the deepening of the cognition of the objective things, the quality has been endowed with new life and mission. Today, the integration of the various economies and the deepening of Global trade, as well as the increasingly perfect pursuit of the quality of the members of the society, have brought great development to the ISO9000 standards. The 1987 edition of the ISO9000 family standard comes from the British standard BS5750. In order to promote the effective management methods in the field of quality management, the international organization for Standardization (ISO) experts and members of the organization of China after very fruitful efforts and hard work, in 1987 the first edition of the ISO9000 standard, ISO9000:1987 series standard, make it become a fundamental measure of quality management activities of enterprises the international standard. Since then, the ISO9000 standard has become a global bestseller that has been introduced in Europe, America, Asia, and the world. The quality management mode in new vigor and vitality into the enterprise management, to give the world trade quality credibility, to provide basis for evaluation of the quality management system at the same time, along with the need of global economic integration, cognitive enhancement and standard its development and perfection. From the evolution of the ISO9000 series of standards visible, the 1987 edition of the ISO9001 standard from the perspective of self assurance, pay more attention to the quality management and quality assurance inside enterprises; the 1994 edition of the ISO9001 standard by 20 elements of quality management system, the range of user requirements, regulatory requirements and quality assurance requirements of the inclusion cri


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