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Why did capital London become the cultural center of England? historical treasures (museums, art collections, theaters, parks and buildings) national government and its administration the oldest port the oldest building the oldest castle 1)Romans: British museum Big Ben * unite reunite united reunited union reunion v. adj. n. Student Union the United Nations the United States Our great aim is to reunite our country. People go home on the Spring Festival for reunion. the UK Europe France English Channel The Atlantic Ocean What does “UK” stand for? the United Kingdom It lies ___ the northwest of Europe. It lies ___ the north of France. in to How many countries does the UK consist of ? A. two B. three C. four England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland Let’s have a quiz the UK Northern Ireland Great Britain Scotland England Wales be divided into be made up of consist of make up be divided into our class 2. How long does it take to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport? about six hours about ten hours about sixteen hours a direct flight a quiz 3. Who rules the country? A. The Queen B. The Prime Minister C. both Elizabeth Ⅱ a quiz David Cameron 英国女王是名义上的国家元首,是“临朝 而不理政”目前英国女王保佑的权利是接 受磋商权、警告权和奖励权。磋商权是指 首相就某些事务征询女王意见,但决顶权仍掌握载内阁和首相手中。警告权是指女王对政府的某项行为认为不妥而发出警告,但这种情况极少发生。奖励权是指女王接受政府的建议,册封贵族和对有贡献的人受勋的权利。但是,君主在礼上、形式上仍是至高无上的,在国内、国际的国事活动中,享有荣誉和尊崇。 4. What are the provinces called in England? counties departments states a quiz [‘kaunti] :郡 5. Which is the longest river in England? B. C.


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