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2008-2014年青岛中考英语试题之阅读表达 2008年阅读下面短文,按要求完成各项任务。 A Most people can think of a sport they would love to see in the Olympics. But they often don’t realize how hard it is to add a sport to the Olympics .A sport needs to be well-organized and popular before the Interracial Olympic Committee (IOC) will consider it. An international federation must govern(控制)the sport by making rules and making sure athletes meet Olympic standards(标准). What’s more ,men from at least 75 countries and women from at least 40 must play the sport. However ,even meeting those conditions isn’t enough. The IOC always tries to keep the member of athletes at about 10,000 for each Olympics .Since most modern Olympics already include so many athletes ,introducing a new sport often means cutting other events . The country that hosts the games is allowed to suggest what new sports should be included. While new sports are added to the Olympics ,most of them will simply become events in another sports meeting. In Beijing, open water swimming will become part of swimming, while women’s steeplechase(障碍赛)will be added to athletics. 任务一:根据文章内容,完成下列任务: 1.How can a sport be added to the Olympics? 从短文中找出三个条件。(3分) (1) (2) (3) 2.根据文章内容,选择适当的词语完成句子。(1分) and will become new sports in the 2008 Olympics. B One of China’s most famous art forms is the 200-year-old Jingxi (Beijing Opera ). It is not only a treasure(财富)of the Chinese nation but also a cultural symbol of China. Beijing Opera is an art on stage that includes singing, dancing ,acting and acrobatics(杂技动作). Beijing Opera uses special imagery(意象)in creating the characters. All roles are divided according to sex , personality, age, profession and social status(地位). Hangdang is the general term for ro


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