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* Make a list of the kinds of parties people have. Welcome party 欢迎会 Farewell party 欢送会 Housewarming party 乔迁聚会 Dinner party 晚宴 Cocktail party 鸡尾酒会 Graduation party 毕业派对 Surprise party 惊喜派对 Costume party 化妆晚会 Wedding party 婚宴 Birthday party 生日聚会 2a 2b Read the messages quickly. Why did the people write them? Match the reason with each message. accept an invitation make an invitation turn down an invitation Message 1 Message 2 Message 3 Message New Rely Forward Delete Print Move to Hi David, What a great idea! I really like Ms. Steen a lot. She helped me to improve my English so much. I’m sad to see her go, and this party is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye.” I can help to buy some of the food and drinks. I can help to bring MS. Steen to the party. I already have a great idea about how to do that. He Wei 1 Hi David Thanks so much for planning this. I’d love to come to the party, but I’m not available. My family is taking a trip to Wuhan at the end of this month to visit my aunt and uncle. However, I’d still be glad to help out with any of the party preparations, like planning the games. Let me know if you need my help. Jake 3 Dear classmates, As I’m sure you know by now, our favorite teacher, Ms. Steen, is leaving soon to go back to the US. We’re very sad that she’s leaving because she is a fun teacher. To show how much we’re going to miss her, let’s have a surprise party for her next Friday the 28th! Can you come to the party? If so, can you help with any of these things? Please tell me by this Friday. 1) Buy food and drinks. 2)Think of games to play. 3)Prepare things we need for the games (glue, paper, pen,…). 4) Bring Ms. Steen to the play without telling so that she can be surprised. look forward to hearing from you all. David 2 Read the messages again and answer the questions. What kind of party is it? _________________________ 2. Who is the party for? __________________________ 3. When is the party?


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