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什么是中国? What is China ?
中华人民共和国,简称中国,位于东 The People‘s Republic of China commonly known
亚。与14个国家或地区接壤 as China is located in east Asia, and borders 14
nations or any other county in the world.
她是世界人口最多的国家有13亿人 It is the most populous state in the world with a 1.3
口,而世界人口是68亿,也就是说世 billion citizens while the world’s population is 6.8
界上每五个人中就有一个中国人 billion That means other every 5 people in the
world one is Chinese.
中国有56个民族,汉族占总人口的 China‘s made of 56 distinctive ethnic groups with
92% Han Chinese making the 92% of its whole
中国由中国共产党执政,执政地位被 China is a single party state governed by the
写入宪法中 Communist Party of China whose power is
enshrined in Chinese constitution.
中国奉行无神论,其宗教文化扎根于 Though China is officially an atheist country its
儒教、佛教和道教。社会道德也多根 religious roots lie within Confucianism Buddhism
源于此。中国也有大量的穆斯林,沿 and Taoism and from these most social and moral
丝绸之路到达中国,保持着自己的传 values are derived.There are also a significant
number of Chinese Muslims who arrived via the
silk road trade route and still retain their distinct
历史 History
中国是文明古国之一有五千年文明, China is one of the world oldest civilizations dating
世袭的封建王朝结束于1912年 back more than 5 million year and was ruled by