模块4 Unit 1 Reading 知识点讲练.ppt

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模块4 Unit 1 Reading 知识点讲练

Reading Language points 1.in common 共同;共同享有的;共同使用的 与…有共同之处 与…没有共同之处 in common with In common with most of his classmates, he prefers pop music. 2. dress as= dress up as 打扮 He dressed up as lawyer and went into the court. 3. fight for 为…而战 fight with与…并肩作战 fight against为反对…而战 4. concern 涉及,影响到,使关心 The news concerns your brother. be concerned about/ with对…关心 be concerned with = be connected with 与…有关 The story is concerned with a King. 5. devote…to 献身于…,投身于… 花费某人的时间/金钱/生命干某事 behave to act or conduct oneself in a specified way 行为,举止,表现 He behaves well (badly). 他表现好(差). She behaves (towards me) more like a friend than a mother. How is the new machine behaving? Behave yourself! 规矩点! behaviour (behavior): way of treating others; manners; 待人态度, 举止 6. Watching a ….wake up is our first …我们当天的第一件事就是看黑猩猩一家子睡觉醒来 动名词短语做主语,谓语动词用单数. 吸烟可能会引起健康问题 现在要找个好工作是困难的. 动名词短语还可在句中充当表语,宾语,定语等 Seeing is believing. Besides, we need a sleeping bag and some water. 7. mean mean to do打算做某事 mean doing意味着… mean by意思是… She says I ignored her, but I didn’t mean to. What do you mean by doing that? mean 8. either…or要么…要么…;或…或…;不是…就是… 连接并列主语时,谓语动词采取就近原则. Either you or she (have) to go there. 要么是你错了,要么是我错了. Either you wrong. 他不是老师就是医生. worthwhile . worth doing 值得做的, 值得出力的 It’s really a worthwhile task. 这真是一件值得干的工作. It is worthwhile doing / to do sth. 做某事是值得的. (worth one’s while) 这本书值得一读. It is worthwhile reading the book. It isn’t worth your while going there / to go there. 你去那儿是不值得的. In truth, spending time learning to appreciate the arts may be more____ than you think. A. worth B. worthy C. worthwhile D. worthless worth: having a certain value.有某种价值的 worthy: having worth or value; useful有价值的;有用的. worthwhile: worth doing 值得做的 worthless: having no value, usefulness 无价值的, 无用的. 9. spend-spent-spent spend time/money on sth花费金钱或时间在某物上 spend time/money (in) doing sth花费时间或金钱在做某事上 It takes sb some time to do sth sth cost sb some time/money s


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