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1. dream of / about 1) 梦见 dream of / about home 梦见故乡 2) 梦想+ n. / doing sth dream of peace/ becoming a scientist 2. pretend pretend to do 假装 pretend to be doing 假装正在做某事 pretend to have done假装已经做过某事 She pretended to be friendly with me. When I came in, she pretended to be reading. When I asked him to read the book, he pretended to have read it. 3. to be honest To be quite honest with you, I don’t think you’ll pass. to be honest = honestly speaking =to tell the truth be honest with 对…说老实话 Everyone should honest with their friends. 4. attach…to认为…有重要性;系上,附属于 He attached his horse to a tree. The school is attached to Beijing Normal University. attach his signature to the contract He didn’t seem to attach any importance to the question. 5. Form形成,养成,组成 A plan began to form in his mind. form an idea or opinion 46 students form this class. form a good habit 养成好习惯 6. passer-by 名词复数形式: passers-by 类似的单词: 旁观者 looker-by 复数: lookers-by 7. earn earn / make one’s money 赚钱 earn / make one’s living 谋生 8. rely on/ upon = depend on=calculate on依靠,依赖 1)rely on/ upon +n./ doing sth Don’t rely on my seeing you off. 2)rely on/ upon sb to do sth. 9. familiar adj. 熟悉的 be/ get familiar with sth某人熟悉某物 The old man is familiar with country music. be/ get familiar to sb. 某物被某人所熟悉 These stories are familiar to Chinese children. 他对法语很熟悉. 10. or so - about 大约 a week or so five dollars or so 注意: or so放在修饰词之后, about放在修饰词之前 about a week about five dollars 11. break up 打碎;分裂;解体,解散,散开;(关系)破裂,分手;驱散 Their marriage broke up. The police tried to break up the crowd. 相关短语: break down(机器,车辆)坏了,(身体)垮了,(计划)失败 break away from脱离,摆脱 break out突然爆发 break in 插话 break into 闯入 practice 1. an old shop 2. their friendship 3. My car on my way home that day. 4. A thief last night and stole jewelry. 5. He kept with silly questions while I was speaking. 12. addition n. 加,增加,加法 In addi


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