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毕业论文 学 生 姓 名: 学 号: 所 在 学 院: 专 业: 设计(论文)题目: 指 导 教 师: 单臂回转式机械手机械系统的设计 摘 要 在工业生产中间,机械手可以代替人的繁重劳动,从而实现生产的机械化和自动化,能在有害环境下操作,这样子能够保护人身安全,很大程度提高劳动效率和改善工人工作环境,在很多方面都体现出其不可替代的优势,因而在工业生产中应用广泛。本次所设计的机械手,为单臂回转式机械手,对机械手的要求是搬运一个一千克的铁块,从一个平台到另一个平台,旋转过的角度为90度。从上面的这些条件可以看出,对于机械手结构的选取就比较的多样化。我们可以选择圆柱坐标型的,也可以选择较为复杂的球坐标型和关节型。根据对机械手的运动部分结构的设计及选型,以及选定的夹持的方式,我们定出了机械手的总体结构,其中包括两个相互平行的液压缸和一个旋转的气压缸、电磁铁吸附装置、支座和底座。两个液压缸用于升降运动,气压缸用于回转运动,夹持器主要部分为一个吸附式电磁铁。此次设计中机械手动作固定,结构简单,可靠性较高,易于拆装,可用于机械设计和液压相关课程实验教学中的演示和拆装练习。 关键词:机械手 圆柱坐标型 液压缸 气压缸 吸附式 The design of the mechanical system of the Single Arm Rotary Manipulator Abstract During the industrial production, the manipulator can substitute the heavy working of the workers, which can undergo the hazardous conditions, to realize the mechanization and automation of the production. According to these, the manipulator can ensure the personal safety, improve the effectives of the production and ameliorate the working conditions of workers. In many aspects, the manipulators reflect its irreplaceable advantages to be used widely in the industrial production. The manipulator designed in this paper is a single arm rotary manipulator, which requires the manipulator to move a kilogram of the iron from one platform to another, the rotation angle is 90 degrees. As the selection of the manipulator’s structure is diversification, we can choose the cylindrical coordinate type, or we can choose the more complex one, the ball coordinate type or the joint type. According to the design and the selection of the motion part structure of the manipulator, and the determined clamping way, we define the overall structure of the manipulator, which including a pneumatic cylinder and two hydraulic cylinders which are mutually parallel, an electromagnet adsorbing device, bearing and a base. The hydraulic cylinders are respectively used for the lifting


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