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食药两用植物薏苡研究进展# 李碧娟1,黄成招2,李培江1,曹保红1,张豆豆1,李关荣1** (1. 西南大学农学与生物科技学院,重庆 400716; 5 2. 贵州兴仁县薏仁种业有限公司,贵州,562300) 摘要:禾本科薏苡属植物薏苡是重要的药食同源植物,在东南亚广泛分布,具有较高的营养、保健及药用价值。由于以往对其研究重视程度不够,目前薏苡种植面积大幅下降,野生薏苡资源也锐减。近些年来,随着人们对保健意识的增强,对薏苡的研究,特别是对其栽培、种 质资源保护和药食作用的研究,愈来愈多。本文主要对薏苡的形态特征,营养价值,药用价值以及我国薏苡产业发展集散地特别是贵州薏苡生产中存在的问题做了综述分析。这对薏苡种质资源保护、栽培生产、营养保健及中药药理的进一步研究有重要指导意义。。 关键词:薏苡;药食同源;种质资源;研究进展 中图分类号:S1 15 Research Progress on the Food-medicine Homologous Plant-Coix lacryma-jobi L LI bijuan1, HUANG chengzhao2, LI peijiang1, CAO baohong1, ZHANG doudou1, LI guanrong1 (1. College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716; Guizhou Xingren County Adlay Seed Co. Ltd, Guizhou 562300) Abstract: Coix plants of the Graminea, Coix lacryma-jobi L., are important food-medicine homologous plants, which is widely distributed in Southeast Asia. The seeds are of high value in nutrition, health-protection and in medicinal purposes. However, due to its past inadequate emphasis on research, the cultivation area has been on a sharp drop and its wild resources has been greatly reduced. In recent years, with the increase of the awareness of health protection among the public, the researches of Coix lacryma-jobi L, especially on its cultivation, germplasm resources conservation and the roles in food and medicine, has been on the rise. This paper reviewed and analyzed the morphology, nutritional and medicinal value, and the problems existed in the production of Coix in the collecting and distributing locality especially Guizhou. These will provide important guidance for further researches on Coix resources conservation, cultivation, nutrition and health-maintaining, and pharmacology of this traditional Chinese medicine. Key words: Coix lacryma-jobi L; Food-medicine Homology; Germplasm Resources; Research 35 引言 薏苡(Coix lacryma-jobi L. var. mayuen. (Roman.) Stapf)为禾本科薏苡属植物,是我国栽培 面积最大,分布最广的食药同源植物之一。其种子薏仁(Semen Coicis)有多种俗名如薏苡仁、 苡米、苡仁、薏米等。在菲律宾又称 Adlay、Katigbi、Takay-an、Takjan 等。 栽培薏苡为一年生草本


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