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British breakfast important abudant nutritious British lunch busy simple quickly Afternoon tea The custom of taking aft ernoon tea is believed to have been introduced in England in 1840 by Anna ,the seventh Duchess of Bedford.At that time,lunch was served in the evening until about 9Pm.The duc hess became hungry and asked some tea ,bread , soup Main Course Dessert wine culture 英国18世纪著名文人塞缪尔?约翰逊:“There is nothing which has yet been contrived by man by which so much happiness is produced as by a good tavern or inn.”(世间人类所创造的万物,哪一项比得上酒馆能给人们带来的无限幸福?)通过这句话,我们可见酒馆在英国人心目中的地位。 According to the British tradition,many bar are divided into two sections : Sallon Bar public Bar Public Bar talk drink dance play games listen to music Sallon Bar Peaceful and quiet Expensive For higher level 熟啤酒(lager) 苦啤酒(bitter) 黑啤酒(guinness) 淡啤酒(pale ale) 淡味啤酒(mild) 生啤酒(draught beer) 不加二氧化碳的桶装 vodka伏特加? whisky威士忌? brandy白兰地? cognac法国白兰地? gin琴酒? gin?flzz杜松子酒? martini马提尼酒 英语中有很多与啤酒相关的俗语。“on the beer”形象地比喻“狂饮中,烂醉中”。 “small beer”喻指“无关紧要的小事或小人物” “beer and skittles”比喻“吃喝玩乐,悠闲自得的生活” famous food of british table manners Tips use your knives and forks from outside Knife and spoon are placed to the right of the plate. The fork is on the left. Open the napkin and put it on your lap before eating. Don’t drink too much! Dont talk with you mouth full Dont slurp when drinking soup or eating noodles neat clean and quiet Food Customs cooking methods : braised, grilled, fried and fried.烩、烧烤、煎和油炸 On the meat, seafood, game cooking methods are unique. Spices is like cardamom, cinnamon and other fresh spices 豆蔻、肉桂 English people like to hunt, * The British dietetic culture british daily meals


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