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名词解释: Ch2 Absolute advantage Law of comparative advantage Ch4 Offer curves / reciprocal demand curves Terms of trade Ch5 Heckscher-Ohlin theorem (H-O theorem ) Factor-price equalization(H-O-S)theorem Leontief paradox Ch6 Intra-industry trade / Intra-industry trade index Ch7 Balanced growth Rybczynski theorem Neutral technical progress / Labor-saving technical progress / capital–saving technical progress Ch8 Consumption effect of a tariff / production effect of a tariff / Revenue effect of a tariff / Protection cost or deadweight Loss of a tariff Nominal tariff / Rate of effective protection Stolper-Samuelson theorem Ch9 Quota Nontariff trade barriers ( NTBs ) / new protectionism Voluntary export restraints ( VERs ) Dumping / Persistent dumping / Predatory dumping / Sporadic dumping Ch10 Economic integration Preferential trade arrangements / Free trade area / Customs union / Common market / Economic union Trade creation / Trade diversion 论述分析题: Ch2 In what way was Ricardo’s law of comparative advantage superior to Smith’s theory of absolute advantage? How do gains from trade arise with comparative of all commodities export anything to the second nation? Suppose that Table below the United States exchanges 4W for 4C with the United Kingdom. Table U.S. U.K. Wheat(bushels/man-hour) 4 1 Cloth(yards/man-hour) 3 2 How much does the United States gains? How much does the United Kingdom gains? What is the range for mutually beneficial trade? How much would each nation gain if they exchanged 4W for 6C instead? Ch3 Why dose specialization in production with relative commodity prices in the two nations are equalized? How is the equilibrium-relative commodity price with trade determined? (Draw the figure to show) What is meant by gains from exchange? By gains from specialization? (Draw the figure to show) Ch4 How is the equilibrium relative commodity price with trade determined with demand and supply curves? (Draw


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