镍基高温合金k417 热机械疲劳行为 - 材料工程.pdf

镍基高温合金k417 热机械疲劳行为 - 材料工程.pdf

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镍基高温合金k417 热机械疲劳行为 - 材料工程

32 / 2000 11 417 K - T herm al mechanical Fat igue behavior o f N ickel based Superalloy K 4 17 , , , , , 110015) L IU F eng , WA N G Y ue-chen , Z HA N G Hui, A I Su -hua, WA N G Zho ng -guang Inst itut e of M etal Research, Chinese A cademy of Science, Shenyang 110015, China) : 417 ) K T M F , , , T M F , ) ) , SEM , : ; ; ; : T G 113 . 25+ 5 ; T G146 . 1+ 5 : A : 1001-4 38 1 2000) 11-0032-0 3 : - - 417 Abstract T he t her mal mechanical fat igue behavior o f a nickel based super all oy K was invest igat ed. Bot h In-phase and Out -phase t hermal -m echanical ex periments w ere conducted using computer cont rolled servohydroulic uniax ial fat igue machine equipped w it h ceramic ex t ensomet er . T he exper im ent result show s t hat t o co mpar e w ith low cycle f atig ue, bo th In-phase and Out -phase t hermal-mechanical fat igue leads m uch l ess fat igue liv es , t houg h t here is dif f erence bet w een In- phase and Out -phase case. Furt her m ore, t o r eveal t he t hermal-mechanical f at ig ue mechanism m ore clear ly, t he t ime-dependent co mponent creep) and t ime-independent component pure plastic defor matio n) of the inelast ic component s shoul d be separat ed . A t last , SEM observat ion r eveals the f ract o graphy , and t he micro-mechanism of cracking is discu ssed . Key words: super allo y; t hermal-mechanical; f at ig ue plastic str ain ; creep , 1 4 17


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