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摘要 在清代宫廷活跃了七十余年的意大利画家郎世宁,早已在清代画坛声名远播。他的绘 画作品最初给中国人带来了强烈的视觉冲击力,中国观赏者无不拍手称奇,但是,由此也 产生了一系列的问题。郎世宁在对待中国审美差异,技法差异,甚至是在捕捉“神似”与 “形似”差异方面都做出了自己巨大的努力,最终使自己纯粹的欧洲绘画风格演变成了西 方写实主义风格与中国传统绘画风格相结合的产物。郎世宁的作品中包含了皇帝的审美情 趣,文人画气息,以及西方的科学精神与写实技法等等,在一定程度上影响了中国绘画的 发展。本文作者以当时的社会历史大环境为依托,引用了郎世宁大量的绘画作品,同时期 清代宫廷文人画画家的作品,以及同时期欧洲写实主义画家的绘画作品来探讨郎世宁具象 绘画风格形成的背景,过程,最终形成的独特绘画风格特点,以及郎世宁所形成的这种绘 画艺术风格对当今绘画创作实践的现实意义,希望能够为日后的绘画创作提供借鉴。 关键词:郎世宁具象绘画艺术 审美 技法 结合 创作 II 万方数据 ABSTRACT In the QING Dynasty palace active for more than seventy years of Italian painter Lang shining, already in the QING Dynasty was not known. His paintings initially brought Chinese people a strong visual impact, China watchers very surprised.But,this also produced a series of problems. Lang shining made great efforts in differences between Chinese and western aesthetic, skill difference, even in the capture of “spirit likeness” and “appearance likeness”. Eventually make their pure European painting style evolved into western realism style and the comb ination of the traditional Chinese painting style. Paintings of Lang shining included in the emperor ’s aesthetic temperament and interest ,Literati paintings of the fun, as well as the west scientific spirit and realistic techniques and so on, impact on the development of Chinese painting to a certain extent. In this paper, the author based on the historical background of the society at that time, refer to the Lang shining a lot of paintings, the QING dynasty palace literati painting artist at the same time, the European realism painter ’s paintings at the same time to explore the background of Lang shining representational painting sty



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