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吉林农业大学学报 2004, 26( 5) : 572~ 576 Journal of JilinAgricultural University 1 1 2 1 赵新子 , 吴 巍 , 司秀丽, 袁洪印 ( 1吉林农业大学工程技术学院, 长春130118; 2吉林农业大学信息技术学院, 长春 130118) : 运用图像处理硬件系统图像识别与处理技术( 图像预处理和图像 析等) 对2000 2002 年收获的 玉米杂交种 吉单 180自交系 莫17和 四4112 别进行了种子活力检测结果表明: 计算机检测结果对 四唑染色法人工测定结果平均准确度达937% 以上 : 玉米种子; 活力; 四唑染色法; 图像识别与处理 : TP39141 : A : 1000- 5684( 2004) 05-0572- 05 Resear ch on the Techno ogy of Image Identifying and Processing of Maize Seed Vigor 1 1 2 1** ZHAO Xin- zi , WU Wei , SI Xiu- i , YUAN Hong-yin ( 1College of Engineering Technology, JilinAgricultural University, Changchun 130118, China; 2C- ollege of Inf ormationTechnology, JilinAgricultural University, Changchun 130118, China) Abstract: A hardware system and the techno ogy of image identifying and processing ( image precondition- ing, ana ysis, et c) were emp oyed to determine vigor of maize seed of hybrid Jidan 180, se -f bred ine Mo17 and Si4112 harvested in 2000 2002. A comparison experiment made between image processing determination and manua determination of tetrazo e co oring showed that the percentage of av- erage accuracy is up to 937 % Key words : maize seed; vigor; tetrazo e co oring; image identifying and processing , , , , , , ,


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