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窗体顶端您的本次作业分数为:61分单选题1.【第09单元】______ they arrived early at the airport, they nearly missed their flight. A If B Because C As soon as D Although 正确答案:D单选题2.【第09单元】Which do you prefer to use to communication with your friends, QQ ______ Wechat?A and B nor C or D so 正确答案:C单选题3.【第09单元】______ he comes back, I’ll tell him. A where B How C When D What 正确答案:C单选题4.【第09单元】Susan will not arrive at the airport on time ______ she hurries up. A once B if C when D unless 正确答案:D单选题5.【第09单元】—Hurry up. The bus is coming.—Wait a minute. Don’t cross the street ______ the traffic lights are green.A after B until C while D since 正确答案:B单选题6.【第09单元】I like watching CCTV 4 ______ it can help me learn more about the world. A if B because C though D until 正确答案:B单选题7.【第09单元】 —I hear a new film is on these days. Shall we go to the cinema together,Lucy and Lily?—______ Lily ______I will go with you because one of us must be at home to help our father in the garden.A Either;nor B Either;or C Neither;nor D Both;and 正确答案:B单选题8.【第09单元】It’s a nice house ______ it hasn’t got a garden. A and B or C but D so 正确答案:C单选题9.【第09单元】I could speak ______ Japanese ______ Chinese, so I had to talk with him in English. A not only; but also B both; and C neither; nor D either; or 正确答案:C单选题10.【第09单元】—Where is the comic book?—I brought it to you ______ you were in the reading room yesterday. A when B if C Because D before 正确答案:A单选题11.【第10单元】It’s eight o’clock. Jim’s family ______ TV. A is watching B are watching C watch D to watch 正确答案:B单选题12.【第10单元】His plan _____ good.A has sounded B is sounding C is sounded D sounds 正确答案:D单选题13.【第10单元】There is a wide river ______ our village.A outside B over C from D below 正确答案:A单选题14.【第10单元】An exhibition of paintings ____ at the museum next week.A are to be held B is to be held C are holding D will hold 正确答案:B单选题15.【第10单元】The box is ______ heavy for her ______ carry.A very; to B too; not to C too; to D very too; to 正确答案:C单选题16.【第10单元】Every possible means ____, but none ____ successf


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