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[θ][e] 1. The sixth sheiks sixth sheeps sick. 2. She saw thirty stars in the south of the sky. 3. There are thirty thousand feathers on that thrushs throat. [?] [?] [?] 1. Shirlys shoes are shining. 2. They pushed the sheep onto the ship. 3. Surely she should show us the sea-shell she has collected. 4. An English fisherman wishes to get full of fish for a cold dish. [?] 1. Beside work we ought to get enough leisure and pleasure. 2. He usually measures his yard. 3. That vision was an allusion. 4. We should treasure the unusual moments. [?] [?] 1. Lets do something to remember the special accasion. 2. I shall make the important decisions by myself. [f] [v] [f] 1. He filled Soff with fresh fruit and other food. 2. I found a book about philosophy from the bookstore. 3. Philps home is far from the small French town. 4. Final fantasy is a popular computer game. [v] 1. Voctory plays volleyball very well. 2. I love every view of this village. 3. There are saveral novels on the bookshelves. 4. The truck is used to deliver vegetables. [f] [v] 1. I drive five miles on Friday night to see a fight that I like. 2. Five frantic frogs fled from fifty fierce fishes. 3. The pub serves free wine for one hour in a week. [tr] [dr] [tr] 1. I tried the new trousers on. 2. The trainer didnt trust my ability. 3. He tries to be a succesful trader. 4. The trait of this tragedy is that tells a true story. [dr] 1. The driver was drunk and drove the doctors car directly into deep ditch. 2. The drummer let me know that if you dont give up your dream will be realize one day. 3. Jew bought a new dress for his wife. 4. He did not drink a drop of wine. [t?] [d?] [t?] 1. Her child drew a picture of the chuch. 2. They chase each other in the street. 3. Charles had chicken and French fries for lunch. 4. Id like to choose that cheap chair. [d?] 1. Geoge drew a jain giraffe on the paper. 2. She went to Japan from J


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