新人教必修三 Unit 2 Healthy eating-Language points概要1.ppt

新人教必修三 Unit 2 Healthy eating-Language points概要1.ppt

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新人教必修三 Unit 2 Healthy eating-Language points概要1

2) feel + 宾语+不定式(省to)/现在分词 e.g. He feels his health improve / improving. 3) feel+(it)+宾补+不定式(真正宾语) e.g. She feels it necessary to tell them the news. 12. Our food gives you energy all day! 【考点】energy在此为不可数名词, 意为“精力; 能量”。 【考例】—You are always full of ____. Can you tell me the secret? —Taking plenty of exercise every day. (福建 2007) A. power B. strength C. force D. energy Explanation -ing 形式短语做伴随状语 He placed two tables together, spreading all the papers out on them. Pretending to look frightened, I backed towards the door. 1. Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. She buried her head under the pillow, ______. (cry) The children came into the sitting-room, _________________. (sing and dance) crying singing and dancing 1) Nora stood at the bus stop, __________________. 娜拉站在公共汽车站旁看报纸。 ___________________________, you can have a better view of the city. 站在山顶上, 你能更好地看到这个城市。 reading a newspaper Standing on the top of the hill 3) Olive came ______________________ 奥丽夫跑步来到大楼前。 4) “We can’t go out in this weather,” said Bob, ____ out of the window. A. looking B. to look C. looked D. having looked running to the building. A frustrated 是形容词,意为“ 失望的,失意的” 他感到既失意又恼火。 He feels frustrated and angry. frustrate v. 使挫败, 使不成功 The bad weather frustrates our hopes of having a picnic. 坏天气使我们野餐的愿望无法实现。 2. prepare: vt. /vi. prepare sth. 准备 prepare for sth 为…准备 prepare sb. for sth 为某人作准备 prepare sb. to do … e g. 1. Will you help me ___ the party? A. Prepare B. prepare for C. preparing for D. prepared for 2. He is ____ them to go on a holiday. A. prepared B. prepared for C. preparing D. preparing for 3. He ____ himself for defeat. A. prepared B. prepared for C. make preparation D. prepare to 4. What’s that terrible noise? The neighbors ___ for a party. A. have prepared B. are pre


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