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英語閱讀策略之教學與評量 陳秋蘭 國立台灣師範大學英語系教授 clchern@ntnu.edu.tw July 17, 2010 閱讀測驗中之閱讀測驗 • reading能力測驗預試(Form HR-0001P)中高級試 題(50題).doc • reading能力測驗預試(Form RTI-A)中級試題(45 題).doc 閱讀的定義 Linguistic v.s. socio-cultural Learn to read v.s. Read to learn Reading and critical thinking What do good readers do while reading? 1. Good readers are active readers. 2. Good readers have clear goals in mind for their reading. 3. Good readers look over the text before they read. 4. As they read, good readers frequently make predictions about the next part of the text. 5. Good readers read selectively. 6. Good readers construct, revise, and question the meanings they make. 7. Good readers try to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and concepts in the text. 8. Good readers integrate their prior knowledge with material in the text. 9. Good readers think about the authors of the text. 10. Good readers monitor their understanding of the text. 11. Good readers evaluate the text’s quality and value and react to the text. 12. Good readers read different kinds of text differently. 閱讀的歷程與教學流程 • Bottom-up vs. Top-down • Interactive v.s. Transactional • Part-to-whole vs Whole-to-part • Phonic Approaches vs Whole Language Approaches 閱讀策略 • Skimming/scanning • Reciprocal Teaching • Predicting • Questioning • Clarifying • Summarizing • Making connections • Thinking aloud Reciprocal Teaching What is Reciprocal Teaching? • instruction and the four comprehension strategies – predicting, questioning , clarifying, summarizing • a special kind of cognitive apprenticeship Four Roles • Predictor


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