Female Authority and Narrative Voice.ppt

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毕业设计题目: 基于MPU6000传感器的动态角度测量器设计与实现 测控一班 胡清指导:黄老师 梁爽 内容 总体设计方案 1 方案着重点 2 目前进展 3 下一步进展 4 Introduction-Susan Lanser’s Theory Authorial Voice Personal Voice Communal Voice Fiction of Authority establish maintain authority in a number of ways “a quest to be heard, respected, and believed, a hope of influence” (Lanser, 1992, p.7) Outline Researching Findings Authorial Voice Personal Voice Communal Voice Resisting Masculine Narrative Authority Fastening Authority of Maternal Narration Establishing Narrative Authority of Marginalized Group Authorial Voice “The authorial voice may have the risk of being disqualified if it has represented itself as female. It is possible that women’s writing has carried fuller public authority when its voice has not been marked as female” (Lanser, 1992, p.18). “narrative situations that are heterodiegetic, public, and potentially self-referential” (Lanser, 1992, p. 9). Frye concludes that it is through the use of the first person that women writers achieve the dual outcomes of femininity and authorship and create protagonists who are both female and autonomous. (Frye, 1986, p.47) “narrators who are self-consciously telling their own stories” (Lanser, 1992, p. 18) Personal Voice “a practice in which narrative authority is invested in a definable community and textually inscribed either through multiple, mutually authorizing voices or through the voice of a single individual who is manifestly authorized by a community” (Lanser, 1992, p. 21) . Communal Voice singular form Communal Voice a simultaneous form one narrator speaks for a collective a plural “we” narrates a sequential form individual members of a group narrate in turn Conclusion Interruptions Obstacles Absence of Female Voice and Presence of Female’s Oppression Motherhood Experiences Three Voices Female Realities Authorial Voice Personal Voice Communal Voice Internal Struggles Suppressed Desires Further Study Besides multiple voices


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