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最佳银幕之吻 Jack and Roses smooch on the front deck of the Titanic is the best movie kiss of all-time, according to new research. 一项新调查显示,杰克和罗丝在泰坦尼克号船头甲板上接吻的镜头是史上最棒的银幕之吻。 The tender moment between Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprios characters takes place seconds after Rose utters the infamous line, Im flying as Rose perches with her arms outstretched on the bow of the ship as Jack holds her tight. 当莱昂纳多?迪卡普里奥饰演的杰克紧紧地环抱着凯特?温斯莱特饰演的罗丝时,罗丝站在船头伸开双臂,说出了那句著名的台词:“我在飞翔”。然后这柔美的一幕就出现了。 50个最佳银幕之吻 杰克罗丝船头深情拥吻夺冠 The scene from the Oscar-winning blockbuster fought off competition from Lady and the Trampscanine canoodle over spaghetti and the kiss between Sam and Molly in Ghost. 《泰坦尼克号》中的接吻镜头击败了《小姐与流浪汉》中意大利面前的狗狗之吻以及《人鬼情未了》中的山姆茉莉之吻。 50个最佳银幕之吻 杰克罗丝船头深情拥吻夺冠 50个最佳银幕之吻 杰克罗丝船头深情拥吻夺冠 Han Solo and Princess Leias embrace in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back also featured in the top 50 greatest movie kisses. 《星球大战2:帝国反击战》中汉索罗和莱娅公主的拥吻也入选50大最佳银幕之吻。 A spokesman for TLC, who conducted the research of 2,000 UK adults, said: Kisses are such a big part of movies so its fascinating to see which ones have had the biggest impact. TLC电视台在2000名英国成年人中发起了这项调查,该电视台发言人称:“接吻是电影中的重要场景,研究哪个接吻镜头最具影响力是很有意思的事情。” Pretty Womans fire escape kiss came fourth, followed by the snog at the end of Dirty Dancing - and Bridget and Marks kiss in the snow in Bridget Joness Diary. 《风月俏佳人》中的防火梯之吻位列第四。紧随其后的是《辣身舞》片尾处的接吻镜头和《BJ单身日记》中布丽奇特和马克的雪中之吻。 50个最佳银幕之吻 杰克罗丝船头深情拥吻夺冠 Spidermans upside down smooch came seventh while the rain-soaked embrace between Holly Golightly and Paul Varjak in Breakfast at Tiffanys came eighth. 第七名是《蜘蛛侠》中的倒立接吻,而《蒂芬尼的早餐》中霍莉?戈莱特丽和保罗?瓦杰克的雨中拥吻位列第八。 50个最佳银幕之吻 杰克罗丝船头深情拥吻夺冠 Bella and Edwards first kiss in Twilight also appeared in the top 50, along with the you had me at hello moment from Jerry Maguire and the elevator kiss in Romeo + Juliet. 贝拉和爱德华在《暮光之城》中的初吻也出现在榜单上。一同上榜的还有《甜心先生》中多萝西说出“当你说‘你好’的时就拥有我了”那一刻的接吻镜头,以及《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的电梯之吻。 50个最佳银幕之吻 杰克罗丝船头深情拥吻夺冠 The scene where Ron and Hermiones finally kiss in Harry P


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