M10U2 语法段落的要素概要1.ppt

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M10U2 语法段落的要素概要1

通过阅读课本和举例的方式,让学生对段落的三大组成部分有更深刻的理解和认识。 Unit 2 C215216, Grade Three The elements of a paragraph Topic sentence Supporting sentences Concluding sentence Topic sentence Each paragraph should have a point. The topic sentence clearly states what information the paragraph will give. Young adults give many reasons for moving to cities. Today, I would like to tell you different ways to study English. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of a paragraph. Notes 1. Not all paragraphs have a topic sentence. Sometimes, a paragraph continues a topic introduced in the previous paragraph. 2. In the first paragraph of an essay, a story or an article, the topic sentence may follow a hook. (an interesting fact, a question or a quotation) Older Americans are on the move. The question, is, though, why are so many people retiring and spending their pensions in Florida?People give a variety of reasons... 1. 主题句 ( Topic sentence ) 每一个段落都应有一个要点,该要点通常由主题句表达。主题句应清楚地陈述本段落的信息。 主题句通常是段落的第一句。然而,并不是所有的段落都有主题句。例如有时一个段落延续了前一段落的主题,而前一段落已有主题句了。 Supporting sentences Supporting sentences follow the topic sentence help explain or prove the topic sentence We use transitions to link each sentences to the previous or following ones. 1.for example, for instance 2.furthermore, also 3.first(ly), second(ly), third(ly) 4.on the other hand, however 2. 支撑句 ( Supporting sentences ) 主题句后应跟有对其加以解释或证明的支撑句。 段落中支撑句的排列顺序应该是有逻辑的。我们可以使用过渡词语将每个句子与前后的句子连接。可使用的过渡词语包括:for example, for instance, furthermore, first, on the other hand, however, but 和also等。 Concluding sentence concluding sentence appears at the end of a paragraph repeats the topic in a new way expresses a final idea about the topic or to help introduce the topic of the next paragraph Across the USA, people are noticing the same thing: young people want to live in cities. 3. 结论句 ( Concluding sentence ) 段落应以一句用新方式来重复主题的句子结尾。我们也可以用结束句来表达关于这个主题的最后想法,或用它来帮助引入下一段的主题。 Look at these paragraphs. Choose the best topic sentence to add to each paragraph. ____


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