[名校联盟]江苏省宿迁市宿城区中扬实验学校七年级英语《unit3 Finding your way》 Vocabulary2概要1.ppt

[名校联盟]江苏省宿迁市宿城区中扬实验学校七年级英语《unit3 Finding your way》 Vocabulary2概要1.ppt

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[名校联盟]江苏省宿迁市宿城区中扬实验学校七年级英语《unit3 Finding your way》 Vocabulary2概要1

Unit 3 Vocabulary crossroads at the crossroads zebra crossing walk along the zebra crossing a straight road go straight on Zx xk turn left turn right straight on crossroad traffic lights zebra cross Zx xk a b c a b c Zx xk Do you know how to ask the way? Is there an underground near here? How can I get to the zoo? Could you tell me the way to the library? Please tell me the way to the Sunny Park. It down Bridge Road on the left. Go straight on. Go down this road till the end. Turn left at the second corner. Turn right and you’ll see it. Can you show the way? entrance; the corner of; turn right; straight on; bridge; traffic lights; crossroads; zebra crossing 1. You’d better walk on ____________ when you walk across the street. 2. Don’t move when the ____________ are red. zebra crossing traffic lights 3. The sign says the _________is on the first floor. Z x xk 4. It’s dangerous to drive across the ___________. 5. When you come to ______________ the road, you can find a car parking. 6. When you come out of Sunshine Park, you’ll see a _______ over a small river. entrance crossroads the corner of bridge 1. 穿过马路, 学校就在你左边. 2. 你能告诉我去警察局的路吗? Go across the street. The school is on your left. Can you tell me the way to the police station? 3. 他一直往前走, 然后左拐进入了一 家宾馆. 4. 你来到交通灯处, 右拐, 就能看见动 物园了. He walks straight on and then turns left into a hotel. When you come to the corner of the road, you can see the entrance on your left. 5. 当你来到路的拐角处, 你就看见入 口处在左边. Walk to the traffic lights and turn right. You can see the zoo. Welcome to our English program. Today we’d like you to listen to a short play c______ “Asking the way”. It is a very common problem in your everyday life. When you are in a strange p______, you may lose your way. Then you may ask people questions l_____ “How can I get to the station?” or “Which is the way to the hotel?” and so on. alled lace ike You may read a m____, but sometimes it doesn’t help much. So


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