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单项选择 1. It’s ______ great news for the driver that running a yellow light no longer results in ______6-point punishment.? A. /; the? ?? ?B. a; the? ?C. /; a? ?? ???D. a; a? ?2. With the contributions he has made to our country, he ______ all the honors awarded to him. A. demands? ?? ???B. obtains? ?? ???C.deserves? ?? ???D. expects 3. Its??wise to find a place to travel ______ has a lot to present but hasn’t yet been hit by high price of admission as well as mass popularity. A. where??B. that??C. in which? ?D. what 4. He is only too ready to help others, seldom, ______, refusing them when they turn to him. A. if never? ?B. if ever? ?C. if not? ? D. if any 5. ______ for our dreams, as the principal addressed at the graduation ceremony, offers us a sense of belonging. A. Being struggled? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?B. Struggling? C. Struggle? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? D. To be struggled 6 It never will rain roses. __________ we want to have more roses, we must plant trees. A. When? ? B. Unless? ?C. Until? ? D. While 7. It is often said that home is _______ the heart is and now part of my heart is with my new classmates. A. what? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?B. how? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?C. where? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? D. when 8.??Mr. Zhang once taught in a remote village in Anhui province as a volunteer, which was ______ only on foot. A. acceptable? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???B. accessible? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? C. available? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? D. appropriate 9. China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals________ all its citizens.? ?? A. in charge of? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???B. for the purpose of? ?? ?? ? C. in honor of? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???D. for the benefit of 10. The student must be working very hard, ________? A. doesn’t he? ?? ? B. mustn’t he? ??? C. needn’t he? ?? ? D. isn’t he 11. Experts insist that packets of cigarettes come with a health warning ______ to them. A. be attached? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???B. attach? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???C. attached? ?? ?? ?? ??


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