模具合同条款 - Nexteer.PDF

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模具合同条款 - Nexteer

TOOLING TERMS AND CONDITIONS 模具合同条款 1. General Guidelines总则 a. These “Tooling Terms and Conditions” shall apply to all tooling purchase orders and shall be construed, to the extent possible, as consistent with the Nexteer General Terms and Conditions and as cumulative. In the event of an inconsistency between these Tooling Terms and Conditions and the Nexteer General Terms and Conditions, these Tooling Terms and Conditions shall control as to all Tooling. Capitalized terms used in these Tooling Terms and Conditions, but not defined, shall have the meanings given such terms in the Nexteer General Terms and Conditions. 该 “模具合同条款”适用于所有可能的与耐世特公司其他合同条款相一致的模 具订购。若本合同条款中出现与耐世特公司的总合同条款不一致的地方,则本 合同条款适用于所有与模具相关的合同与条款。如无特别指明,在本合同条款 中出现的固定术语含义与耐世特公司总合同条款中一致。 b. “Tooling” means any die, jig, machine, fixture, mold, pattern, template, samples, models, gage, testing device, equipment, supplies, materials or other item which is purchased by Buyer or specially constructed for Buyer’s use or the use of its outside suppliers on Buyer’s behalf in the manufacture of parts for specific models, assemblies, or products and which has a normal physical life of one year or more. The determination of what constitutes “Tooling” is based on the item’s physical aspects and use, the specific characteristics of the production and service parts or assemblies to be produced, and upon its intended life which is generally limited


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