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第三组成果汇报 成员: 罗红燕(组长) 曹晓芸 郭红梅 李文强 陈斯斯 分析案例 经过小组认真分析案例并讨论,为了更好地帮助芊芊,我们认为应从以下几个方面收集资料: (一)急性淋巴细胞性白血病的病因,主要查找苯及甲醛等有害化学物质的诱导作用 (二)急性淋巴细胞性白血病的流行病学资料 (三)急性淋巴细胞性白血病的治疗 另外我们还查找了: 有关室内装修的标准 类似案例 相关法律 慈善基金会 收集证据 我们从以下三个途径查找资料: 数据库:PubMed ,CNKI,CBM等 搜索引擎:百度,Google, 专业导航网站:KI , Intute , Medweb等 资源导航 甚么是急性淋巴细胞性白血病 流行病学资料 急性淋巴细胞性白血病 (ALL)占儿童急性白血病的80%,发病率高峰在3岁至7岁之间。ALL也可发生于成年人,占所有成年人白血病的20%。 苯与白血病发生的关系已得到了广泛认同 ,配对流行病学调查表明苯接触工人白血病发生率为正常人群的 2~4.5倍 ALL 以儿童多见,统计资料显示 75% 的患者小于15岁,发病高峰在3~7岁, 10岁以后发病率随年龄增长逐渐下降,但大于50岁的成年人发病率又略有上升。成人ALL的发病年龄为 30~40岁,通常男性比女性稍多见。 病因及危险因素 Risk factors and causes of ALL The cause of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is not known, but research is going on all the time to find out. Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, like other cancers, is not infectious and cannot be passed on to other people. Research has shown that a person’s risk of developing acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is not increased by: exposure to electromagnetic fields living near high-voltage electricity cables household radon. There are a number of risk factors that might increase a person’s risk of developing ALL. These are: Radiation Genetic conditions Exposure to chemicals Infection Radiation Exposure to very high radiation levels (such as during a nuclear accident or an atom bomb) is known to increase the risk of developing ALL. However, very few people in the UK will be exposed to radiation levels high enough to increase their risk. In recent years there has been publicity about the increase in leukaemia in people living close to nuclear power plants. Research is still under way to see if there is any definite link, but currently there is no evidence of this. Genetic conditions Most ALL is not caused by an inherited faulty gene, so members of your family are not likely to have an increased risk of developing it just because you have it. People with certain genetic disorders, including Down’s syndrome and