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ISSN 1674-8484 汽车安全与节能学报, 2011 年, 第2 卷 第2 期 02/ 12
CN 11-5904/U J Automotive Safety and Energy, 2011, Vol. 2 No. 2 101— 110
(天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室,天津300072 )
摘 要:为节能与减排,需要寻求性能良好的新燃料。该文对车用现用燃料以及各种可能的替代燃料发展应用中存在
关键词: 内燃机;车用燃料;替代燃料
中图分类号:U 473
Review of status for automotive fuel and future forecast
YAO Chunde, XU Hanjun
State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University,
( Tianj in 300072, China )
Abstract: For saving energy and protecting environment, it is necessary to develop new automotive fuel for current as well as
future demand. The authors review the state-of-art and development of current petrol fuels for automobiles as well as various
kinds of alternative fuels available for them, and also foresee the future for the development of those fuels. The conclusion is that
the petroleum fuel will play dominant roles in long time of future, but gaseous fuel will be adopted in certain areas; alcoholic and
etheric fuel will come to be used more and more, some new fuels may also be applied on automobiles. With the development of
technology, multiple fuels will be selected as the research and application tendency in the future.
Key words: internal combustion (IC) engine; automobile fuel; alternative fuel
内燃机自从诞生起已有近150 年的历史,内燃机 高的要求。为此,寻求性能良好的新燃料是内燃机学
燃料从最初的百花齐放逐渐归为以汽油和柴油为主的 科和产业界目前迫切的任务。围绕这一任务,一方面对
石油基燃料。然而随着石油可开采量的日渐减少及需求 普通石油基燃料的品质提出更高要求,另一方面各种
量的迅速增加,传统的石油基燃料的供应已捉襟见肘。 新型燃料又逐渐呈现。本文将对车用燃料的应用现状