
金属丝等离子体形成数值模拟研究的初步设想A TENTATIVE OPINION .PDF

金属丝等离子体形成数值模拟研究的初步设想A TENTATIVE OPINION .PDF

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金属丝等离子体形成数值模拟研究的初步设想A TENTATIVE OPINION

CNIC-01681 IAPCM-0027 金属丝等离子体形成数值模拟 研究的初步设想 A TENTATIVE OPINION OF MODELING PLASMA FORMATION IN METALLIC WIRE Z PINCH (In Chinese) 中 国 核 情 报 中 心 China Nuclear Information Centre 169 CNIC-01681 IAPCM-0027 金属丝等离子体形成数值模拟的初步设想 丁 宁 (北京应用物理与计算数学研究所,北京,100088 ) 摘 要 在分析 Z-pinch 内爆等离子体研究发展动态基础上,阐述了开 展金属丝等离子体形成研究的重要性,调研了近年来大量单丝、多 丝实验工作,提出将金属丝等离子体形成分两个阶段描述,即:金 属丝电爆炸阶段的磁流体动力学描述和丝等离子体形成阶段的磁流 体动力学描述。 关键词:Z-pinch 内爆等离子体 金属丝等离子体形成 数值模拟 磁流体动力学 170 A Tentative Opinion of Modeling Plasma Formation in Metallic Wire Z Pinch (In Chinese) DING Ning (Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing, 100088) ABSTRACT Numerous experiments in both single wire and in wire arrays have attracted much attention. For the wire array Z-pinch implosions the plasma formation in the metallic wire Z pinches is a key question. By means of analyzing a number of single-wire and multi-wire experiments, two models to describe the behavior of a wire array Z-pinch in initial phase are suggested. In this phase each wire carries a rising current and behaves independently in a way similar to that found in single wire Z-pinch experiments in which a comparable current in one wire is employed. Based on one- or/and two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) theory, one model is used to simulate the electrical explosion stage of


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