改进的基础隔震结构地震作用简化计算方法 - 福州大学.pdf

改进的基础隔震结构地震作用简化计算方法 - 福州大学.pdf

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改进的基础隔震结构地震作用简化计算方法 - 福州大学

26 1 V o l. 26, N o. 1 2006 2 EARTHQUAKE ENG INEER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION F eb. 2006 : 2006) 祁 皑, 林于东 , 350002) : GB50011- 2001), , , , , , : ; ; ; : P315. 966; TU 319; TU 252. 1 : A An im proved sim p lif ied m ethod for seism ic action design of baseisolation bu ildings Q i A ,i L in Y udong Co llege of C iv il Eng ineering and A rch itectu re, Fu zhou U n iversity, Fuzhou 350002, Ch ina) Abs tract: In the ! Code for seism ic design o f bu ild ings∀, the expression of the damp ing coeffic ient in horizonta l di rection is not agreeab le to its de fin ition and the specified distributive fo rm o f seism ic action o f base iso la tion build ing s is incong ruent w ith the practica l situation. Based on the definition o f the dam ping coefficient in hor izontal di rection and the practica l distributive form of the se ism ic act ion o f base iso lated structure, an mi proved smi p lified m ethod o f ca lculating the dam ping coeffic ient in horizontal d irection, the to tal earthquake action and the earthquake action distribution o f base iso lation building is perform ed in th is paper. A new concept o f dam p ing coefficient of to tal earthquake action is also presented. T he formu la expressions in th is mi proved m ethod are exact and the ir physi ca l significance is defin ite. T he tmi e history ana lysis resu lts fo r the tw o examp les o f base iso lation build ing are com pared w ith those com puted by the mi proved m ethod. It is show ed tha t these tw o results are co incident, w


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