改变危险行为和陋习, 树立社会规范who framework convention on .ppt

改变危险行为和陋习, 树立社会规范who framework convention on .ppt

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改变危险行为和陋习, 树立社会规范who framework convention on

The special role of NGO in the Tobacco Control 在控烟工作中NGO的特殊作用 Think Tank Research Center for Health Development TTH Non-government Non-profit Independent The first private non-profit research establishment in the area of Public Health Completely follows a new concept, a new mechanism and a new model of operation Tobacco control Tobacco contains more than 4000 chemicals which are harmful to health Tobacco causes cancer and chronic diseases Tobacco control efforts will contribute to realizing MDGs Health promotion and education for changing behavior (risk factor) and social norm 烟草含有4000余种有害化学物,引起癌症和多种慢性病 控烟直接促进实现千年目标,通过健康促进和健康教育,改变危险行为和陋习, 树立社会规范 WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Preamble Emphasize the special contribution of NGO to tobacco control efforts nationally and internationally and the vital importance of their participation in national and international tobacco control efforts 烟草国际控烟公约序言: 强调不隶属于烟草业的非政府组织和民间社会其他成员对国家和国际烟草控制努力的特殊贡献,及其参与国家和国际烟草控制努力的极端重要性 The practice of ThinkTank Research Center for Health Development (TTH) as a NGO showing that NGO can play an important role to improve policy making and advocating of tobacco control in China. 作为NGO,新探中心的控烟实践显示了NGO在促进控烟政策的制定和控烟倡导方面可以发挥重要作用 Practice Advocating of tobacco control 控烟倡导 Promote strong tobacco control policies 推动制定有效的控烟政策 To increase tobacco control related knowledge among the media and raise awareness of tobacco control policy priorities on the government’s agenda 提高媒体控烟相关知识水平,了解政府烟草控制政策的优先领域 Advocate spirit of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control In 2004, organized a workshop on advocating FCTC. Announce Beijing Declaration -Taking Concerted Actions to Advocate the Framework Convention and Promote Tobacco Control. 《烟草控制框架公约》在中国生效后,2004年,在北京召开“ 宣传框架公约,促进烟草控制”研讨会。发表“北京宣言”号召 联合起来,宣传框架公约,促进烟草控制. Lobbing a representative of National committee, Chinese people’s Political Consultative Conference and Director General of State Industry a


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