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中国传统文化 -中国传统节日及其习俗 主讲: 余惠芬 副教授 暨南大学国际学院 Chinese Culture --Traditional Chinese Festivals and Customs By Yu Huifen (Julia) International School Jinan University What’s The Date Today? May 31 in Solar Calendar May 5th in the Chinese Lunar Calendar It is Dragon Boat Festival Today. The Dragon Boat Festival Also known as Duanwu Jie It falls on the fifth day of the fifth month in Chinese lunar calendar. Traditional Customs Relating To The Festival Racing dragon boats Traditional Customs Relating To The Festival Eating zongzi Qu Yuan Qu Yuan, the patriotic poet who drowned himself on this day in 277 BC. Trying To Save Qu Yuan’s Body Traditional Customs Relating To The Festival Holding dragon-boat races. It Is Now An International Event Other Important Traditional Chinese Festivals? Try to list as many as you can other traditional Chinese Festivals in addition to Dragon Boat Festival Say something about them. Important Traditional Chinese Festivals The Spring Festival The Lantern Festival The Dragon Boat Festival The Mid-Autumn Festival The Double Seventh Day The Double Ninth Day The Spring Festival Also known as the Chinese New Year The most important and comprehensive festival. It falls on the first day of the first Chinese lunar month and the celebration lasts from the 23rd of the 12th lunar month up to the fifteenth of the first lunar month next year. Traditional Customs Relating To The Spring Festival Writing and Pasting couplets on doors Traditional Customs Relating To The Spring Festival Creating paper-cuts for window decoration Paper-Cut: Happy New Year Paper-Cutting Is Now A Popular Art Creating paper-cuts for window decoration Traditional Customs Relating To The Spring Festival Setting off fire-crackers (The favorite activity of children, which is said to drive off evil spirits according to legend) Traditional Customs Relating To The Spring Festival Children Getting money in red envelopes from their parents and relative


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