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第八章 各分部分项工程的施工方案 Chapter 8 Construction Scheme of Subprojects 8.1 土建施工方案 Civil Engineering Construction Scheme 8.1.1 工程测量 ? Engineering Surveying 测量概述 Measurement Overview 为满足工程施工特点,该工程的测量控制网按照“从整体到局部,高精度控制低精度”的原则,由高到低设置三级控制网,各级控制网相互衔接,统一为整体系统。characteristics of construction, the survey control networks of the project have three levels from high to low in accordance with the principle “From the whole to the part; High precision controls low precision”. Control networks at all levels should be connected, thus forming the overall system. 测量注意事项Measurement Considerations 建筑物占地面积超大,这对轴线控制网的布设和投测带来难度,需要充分利用高精度电子全站仪进行轴线控制网的布设及细部测量放线,钢尺作为辅助;轴线投测时,仪器要架设在建筑物两端,以减少投测误差。As the buildings occupy a large area, which brings difficulty to the layout design and measurement of the axis control network, the electronic total station with high precision should be used to lay the network and do detailed survey with steel rulers as assistive devices. When transfer of building lines is conducted, instruments should be erected on both ends of the buildings to minimize measuring errors. 测量前准备工作 (1)、测量仪器检定:本工程使用的所用测量仪器及工具(包括专业分包的测量仪器)均应经国家计量单位检校合格并在有效时间之内。Measuring instrument calibration: All measuring instruments and tools (including those used in professional subcontracts) should be examined and calibrated by the national units of measurement and meet the standards within the effective time. (2)、校核图纸:总图校核,包括建筑物定位依据及条件;校核建筑图、结构图、机电图纸是否对应。Checking drawings: Check the general drawing, including the position basis and conditions of buildings; Check whether architectural drawings, structural drawings and electrical mechanical drawings correspond to one another. (3)、根据建筑总平面要求,对规划勘测部门提供的坐标点和水准点进行复核,确保工程测量的准确性。coordinate points and benchmarks given by Planning Survey department in accordance with the requirements of the building general layout and ensure the accuracy of engineering surveying. (4)、施测用辅助材料如标高控制桩油漆、麻线等提前准备到位。uxiliary measuring materials should be prepared in advance in place, su


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