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家庭伦理观念异同及其对跨文化影响 Similarities and differences between the concept of family ethics impact on cross-cultural 家庭中的夫妻关系: Marital relationship in the family: Differences in family values ??and Western (one): There are two main types of modern society, the family structure: the nuclear family and the extended family. A couple plus children, two generations of the family called the nuclear family; Three or even four generations in the same family is extended family. Chinese people pay more attention to raise children to old age, but this sentence in the Western sense is not great. Western Family Multi-core type, generally live on their own adult children, three generations are extremely rare. Differences in family values ??and Western (two): Chinese peoples strong sense of family, kinship, family ethics accumulation extremely thick, parents, children are always a people, children, even after their parents separate portals still thou art, to support their parents, the parents serve as their own obligations . Chinese people go shopping for a child if parents buy things for the kids right and proper, on behalf of the parents of adult children to pay it for granted. Westerners are different, parents, children, their wealth, and do not be concerned. Differences in the Western sense of family roots: 中国人延伸家庭的模式显然与中国在农耕经济模式基础上形成的宗法制社会结构密不可分。在这样的体制下,连接人的社会关系的基本纽带便是血缘与婚姻,其中又以父系传承的血亲系统为核心,形成了世代相续盘根错节的家族集团 Chinese people extended family model is clearly with China in agricultural economic model based on the formation of patriarchal social structure are inseparable. In such a system, the connection between human society is the basic kinship and marriage ties, among which the paternal lineage blood system as the core, forming a generation with continued deep-rooted family group 西方核心家庭则是以地缘政治为基础的西方文化的产物。   此外,西方个人主义的价值观决定了他们不依附家庭、也不依赖于他人,而是倾向于一种自我依赖。家庭与个人之间只存在暂时性的纽带,是不稳定的。 Western nuclear family is based on geopolitics based on the product of Western culture. In addition, the values


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