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? Part 3 . Wedding color Traditional Chinese weddings always use red to express good luck, blessing and grand meaning. In fact, the wedding custom also reflects the traditional Chinese philosophy. We think that red things can make the day prosperous, family healthy and happy. Chapter2 . Wedding ceremony Introduction Wedding etiquette Conclusion The Reasons of Differences Wedding Dress Colors The groom must first bow to the ancestors of the ceremony, and then with the wedding team, carrying the sedan chair(花轿) to the bride‘s house to marry the bride. New people in the wedding make a bow to heaven and earth, parents and friends. After the end of the new people into the bridal chamber(洞房), the wedding banquet(宴席) began. Chinese Wedding ceremony In America, they usually hold their wedding in the church , the pastor(牧师) will be selected as the host of their wedding and announced their marriage legitimacy. The brides father would take her daughter and the groom gives her hand , which means that the family of the bride has been officially sent to him . Pastor will ask the bride and groom to make a lifetime commitment to each .Then they will be priests and to the people’s blessing,exchange the narriage rings and kiss each other. Western Wedding ceremony Chinese Wedding ceremony In China, wedding day , the noier the better, because they believe that more noise means get more blessings . Chinese Wedding ceremony In America, church wedding is played softly and when the music is playing , the whole church and wedding is in a quiet and peaceful mood hold because the United States believes that only in a quiet crescent newcomers will receive God s blessing. Chapter3 . Wedding etiquette Introduction Conclusion The Reasons of Differences Wedding Dress Colors Wedding ceremony Chinese wedding etiquette【习俗】 “ “ Chapter3 . Wedding etique


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