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Content Definition Etymology Features Superstitions in China Superstitions in Western Definition Superstition?is a?pejorative?term for belief in?supernatural causality: that one event leads to the cause of another without any natural process linking the two events, such as astrology, religion, omens, witchcraft, etc., that contradicts natural science. From Wikipedia What is superstition Belief: myth, magic, irrational thought, the supernatural Involvement: animals, graveyards ghosts, inanimate objects, people Origin: religious belief, distorted Etymology The word?superstition?is first used in English in the 15th century, after an earlier French?superstition. The earliest known use as an English noun occurs in?Friar Daws Reply (ca. 1420). From its first use in the?Classical Latin?of?Livy?and?Ovid?(1st century BC), the term is used in the pejorative sense it still holds today, of an excessive fear of the gods or unreasonable religious belief, as opposed to?religion, the proper, reasonable awe of the gods. Features 1.Does not have the ability to distinguish, not deep enough to understanding of the nature of things 2. Not have ability to discrimination , but think certain phenomena or statement is true, even unwavering faith and worship; 3.put into a positive and unremitting action to so-called faith and worship blindly. Superstitions in Chinese 八卦起源于人文始祖伏羲。八卦表示事物自身变化的阴阳系统。用“一”代表阳,用“- -”代表阴,用三个这样的符号,组成八种形式,叫做八卦。每一卦形代表一定的事物。乾代表天,坤代表地,坎代表水,离代表火,震代表雷,艮(gèn)代表山,巽(xùn)代表风,兑代表泽。八卦互相搭配又得到六十四卦,用来象征各种自然现象和人事现象,基于当今社会人事物繁多 NO.2 Left eye?jump?wealth, the?right eye?jump?disaster People often think that left eye jump will bring them good luck , And in the right eye jump will bring bad luck NO.3 Geomancy geomancy is?an ancient?Chinese?practice?of?arranging?item in?a?room? so that? they are?in?balance?and?harmony?with?their?environment. Geomancy风水 Fortune-telling divination 一些走


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