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Third Meeting on Research Road Map for Statistical Physics and Complexity Science Third China EU Sanya Workshop for Complex Sciences Sanya, Hainan, China, 3-6, Jan., 2012 Symmetry properties of the large-deviation function of the social rotation in laboratory population games 大偏差函数的对称性: 来自实验室人群实验的社会演化转动的证据 Zhijian Wang Bin Xu Experimental Social Science Laboratory, Zhijiang University 2012.01.05 P411 3 How about the story of human society? 1. Background and Motivation • Game theory, theoretically [1, 2] and experimentally [3], has been the major tool in social science. • Evolutionary game theory studies the behavior of large populations of agents who repeatedly engage in strategic interactions. Changes in behavior in these populations are driven either by natural selection via differences in birth and death rates, or by the application of myopic decision rules by individual agents. • Many deterministic evolutionary dynamic has been suggested theoretically. [1] J. Von Neumann and O. Morgenstern, Library (1944). [2] W. Sandholm, Population games and evolutionary dynamics (MIT press Cambridge, MA:, 2011). [3] A. Falk and J. Heckman, Science 326, 535 (2009). A case A two population game introduced by Dawkins(1976) Strategy Space and Dynamic Pattern State: The joint density of the strategies


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