人教版必修一Unit 4 Reading概要1.ppt

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人教版必修一Unit 4 Reading概要1

Part 1 (para. ) Why was the damage so great? It happened at night People thought little of the strange things. They were asleep as usual that night. Poor construction of the house at that time It was such an extremely powerful earthquake that 1/3 of the nation felt it. Tang Shan has a large population. * * * Unit 4 Earthquakes A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep When do you think the earth didn’t go to sleep? Unit 4 Earthquakes When natural disasters happen, such as earth quakes, hurricanes and floods. When the earth is very sad, it can’t go to sleep because we humans are destroying it. When the world is very excited, for example, the New Year Eve. the rescue work after the earthquake. signs before the earthquake. Part 2 (para. ) Part 3 (para. ) 1 2-3 4 Divide the passage into 3 parts and match the main ideas. the damage caused by the earthquake. The structure of the passage : time order ? before, during, after Signs What would you do if you saw such things ? ☆ ☆ What did people in Tang Shan do ? Data(数据) of the nation felt the earthquake . A huge crack that was kilometers long and _____meters wide cut across houses. In terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. of the people died or were injured during the earthquake. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than . All of the city’s hospitals, of its factories and buildings and of its homes were gone. 1/3 8 30 15 2/3 400,000 75% 90% Para. 2-3 These numbers show the destructive effects of earthquake and the reason why it’s called “one of the greatest earthquakes of the 20th century.” A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep Why does the author use this title? ★It’s a poetic way of saying that an earthquake happened. ★ It can form a vivid image in the reader’s mind and catch the reader’s attention at the beginning. Sentence Ap


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