人教版必修一unit4earthquake 知识点概要1.ppt

人教版必修一unit4earthquake 知识点概要1.ppt

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人教版必修一unit4earthquake 知识点概要1

language points ;1.升升降降 2.难闻的气味 3.从裂缝里冒出 4.紧张得吃不下 5.水管 6.对…不以为然 7.照常 8.爆裂开来 9.睡着;;20.被震惊 21.下午晚些时候 22.救援人员 23.被困在废墟下面 24.掘出 25.埋葬死者 26.城市北边;;1)Everyone knows the sun _______ in the east. 2) The people’s living standard has greatly been _______. 3) Her temperature is still __________. 4) Her job is _______ chickens. 5) The price of bread has __________.;too + adj. / adv.+ to do 表示否定,“太…而不能…”;“too…to…”结构之前带有only,but,never,not,时, 是强调肯定的表示法,译作“非常……”“十分…” “实在……””真是太……”等;Too…to.. 结构中带有表示心情或描绘性的adj/adv Eg ready,eager,satisfied,kind,willing,anxious etc;3.In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.;即学即练: (1) When he was riding, the tyre ______(burst). (2)She _____________________.(突然大哭起来) (3)He ________________________ (闯进了房子)without knocking. ;4. It seemed as if the world was at an end! (para2, line1) be at an end 结束 come to an end 结束 put/bring sth to an end 结束某事 翻译: (1)战争结束了。 The war was at an end. The war came to an end. (2)他们结束了战争。 They put the war to an end.;词语辨析: at an end at the end of by the end of in the end;In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.;e.g. Tina ___ under the tree ___to her mother that a cock ____ eggs. A. lying; lied; lay B. lain; lied; laid C. lying; lied; laid D. lain; lied; lay; ①damage v./n. 指部分“损坏”、“损害”或指使用价值有所降低,可修复。  ②destroy v.指彻底破坏, 以致不可能修复, 常作“破坏”、“毁灭”解    ; 6.Two-thirds of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.;分数表达法: 分子用基数(one, two…),分母用序数词 ( first, second…),当分子超过1时,分母的词尾加s.;请根据提示完成下列句子。 1. ________ (三分之一) of the students in our class ____ (be) girls. 2. __________ (五分之三) of the soil __________ (wash) away by the flood last night. 3. ______ (一半) of the desks in this school ________ (make) in his company. 4. ______ (大部分的) of the lecture he made yesterday ______ (be) interesting.;数以万计的;Tens of thousands of cows never give milk again 数以万计的奶牛再也不产奶了;5. _________________ (数万) people _____________ (dance) in the big s


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