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Is body language useful? Body language shows all kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes. Body language is sometimes more important than spoken language. What is the feeling of the baby? 5. If you sit looking away from a person, or with your back turned, you are saying you are not interested in that person. 6. You should not greet your new boss by giving her or him a hug. Before writing, authors usually make a writing outline. Complete this outline in your own words, using these steps. Main idea: Points: 1 Showing happiness 2 Showing unhappiness or anger 3 4 5 Group Activity List as many gestures as possible, and find out what feelings, wishes or attitudes they show. Work in groups of four. Use what you have read in the passage to help you answer the following questions. facial: 面部的 She is having a facial massage.? 她正做脸部按摩。 function: n 作用;功用 The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun.? 形容词的作用是描述或增加名词的意思。 function: v. 起作用;运转 The machine wont function properly if you dont oil it well.? 如果你不给机器好好加油的话,它就 不会正常运转。 at ease 舒适; 自由自在 He is at ease about the matter. 他对此事很放心。 2 There are unhappy smiles, such as when someone “lose face” and smiles to hide it. 3 In most places around the world, frowning and turning one’s back to someone shows anger. turning one’s back (to / on): 背对;背弃 He turned his back on her and spoke quietly into the phone. 他转过身背对着她,对着话筒轻轻说话。 How can you turn your back on your own mother? 你怎么能对自己的母亲撒手不管呢? I won’t ever forgive my older brother. He turned his back on me and refused to lend me any money when I lost my job. 我永远也不会原谅我哥。当我失去工作 的时候,他根本不肯帮忙,一点钱都不 愿意借给我。 4 Looking away from people or yawning will, in most cases, make me appear to be uninterested. look away from: 不看,不注视 Don’t look away from me when I’m speaking to you. 当我和你


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