人教版英语必修3Unit4词汇讲解 概要1.ppt

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人教版英语必修3Unit4词汇讲解 概要1

Words and Expressions 必修三 Unit 4 1.astronomy /n. C/ 天文学 New discoveries were made in astronomy, geography and medicine. astronomer /n./ 天文学家 I joined the Young Astronomers Club. astronaut /n.C/ 宇航员 Yang Liwei becomes the first Chinese astronaut. 2. system /n.C/ 系统,体系;制度; /n. U/条理,秩序 the solar system 太阳系 a social system 社会制度 under the new/old system 在新/旧制度下 They have an alarm system in the house. 他们房子里装有报警系统。 3. theory /n.U/ 理论 We should combine theory with practice. evolution theory 进化论 in theory 理论上 4. violent /adj./ violent /adj./ 猛烈的;激烈的; violently /adv./猛烈地;凶猛地 violence /n./暴力,暴行 with violence 猛烈地,强有力地 have a violent temper 脾气暴躁 take……by violence 抢夺……. Whatever happens, we will never use violence. 5. unlike /prep./ /adj./ unlikely /adj./不大可能的 likely /adj./可能的 It is likely that……很可能….. be likely to do sth. 可能做某事 Unlike his father, Tom is humorous and easygoing. 6.harmful /adj./ be harmful to 对……有害 harm /n./ /v./损害,伤害 do sb. harm/ do harm to……对…….有害 There is no harm (in) doing sth. = It does no harm (for sb.) to do sth. (某人)做某事无害处 7.exist /v./ 存在,生存 exist as 作…..而生存,以……形态存在 exist on 靠…….生活/生存 exist in 存在于…..中 There exist(s) existed…..某地有…..;存在…. existence /n./ 存在,生存 come into existence (= begin to exist) 产生,成立 in existence 现存的,存在的 8. puzzle/n./ 谜,难题 /v./ (使)迷惑 puzzle about /over 苦苦思索,仔细琢磨 puzzled/adj./迷惑不解的;困惑的 be/feel puzzled at/about…..对….感到迷惑 puzzling/adj./ 令人费解的 puzzlement /n./迷惑 9.physicist/n./ 物理学家 physics /n./物理(学) physical /adj./ 肉体的,身体上的 physical labour 体力劳动 physical change 物理变化 physical science 自然科学 physically /adv./ 身体上;肉体上 反义:metal 物质的,自然界的 10.extict /adj./(生物)绝种的, 灭绝的 (官职等)废除了的; 无合法继承人的 (法令等)过时的; 失效的 an extinct family 已绝嗣的家族 an extinct species 已灭绝的物种 an extinct volcano 死火山 All hope was extinct. 一切希望都破灭了。 11. pull /v./ /n./ 拉,拖;牵引力 pull down 拆毁 pull through 康复,痊愈 pull up 停车,停止 pull in (火车等)到站,进站; 驶向路边(或某处)停靠 Don’t worry; your father is going to pull through. 12.exhaust/vt./ 使筋疲力尽;用完,耗尽 There is no need


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