人教版新课标选修六Unit 2 Poems语言点概要1.ppt

人教版新课标选修六Unit 2 Poems语言点概要1.ppt

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人教版新课标选修六Unit 2 Poems语言点概要1

Unit 2 Poems;1.poem 15. tease 29. dark/darkness 2. tick 16. dread 30. let out 3. rhyme 17. brimful 31. hold on 4. convey 18. minimum 32. warmth 5. emotion 19. translation 33. try out 6. contradictory 20. await 34. load 7. turn to 21. transform Expressions 8. pattern 22. day by day Sentences 9. on fire 23. utter 10. take ones eyes off 24. particular 11. stay up 25. sorrow 12. take it easy 26. appropriate 13. run out of 27. exchange 14. be made up of 28. blank;1. poem n.[C]诗歌,诗体文 poetry[U]诗歌的总称,诗集 poet/poetess 诗人;【单项选择】;2. tick v.滴答作响;给…标记号;运作;空转 n. 滴答声;一会儿;勾号;1) The telegraph ticked out a message. 发报机滴答滴答地发出一份电报 2) Everything in our office is ticking over very smoothly 我们办公室里一切都进行得很顺利。 3) The cancellation of the football match really ticked him off. 足球赛的取消真把他给气坏了 4) He ticked me off because I was late. 由于我迟到,他责备我 5) She ticked off some of the names on her list. 她把名单上的一些名字勾出来 6) The clock ticked away the time. 时钟滴答滴答地响着,时间在一点一点过去;【单项选择】;3. rhyme n. 韵,押韵,韵文 vt. 押韵,用韵诗表达 vi. 成韵,和谐;in rhyme用押韵的形式,有节奏地 without rhyme or reason莫名其妙,毫无道理 rhyme (…)with … (使…)与…押韵/相谐音 nursery rhyme童谣;4. convey vt.传达,传递,表达;运送,搬运,转运;转让;7) The old farmer conveyed his farm to his son. 老农夫将其农场转让给儿子 ;1) Nowadays sending e-mails to each other is a way many a student ____ what they think. A. conveys B. convey C. account D. accounts 2) I tried to ___ in my speech we were all grateful for his help. A. speak B. tell C. express D. convey 3) All this information can be ___ in a simple diagram. A. educated B. conveyed


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