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Welcome to our class ! Section 1 Section 2 Section3 dangerous 1. It is dangerous to get to close to a Person with AIDS. ( ) 2. It is very likely that you will die if you become infected with HIV. ( ) 3. You can only get HIV from injecting drugs. ( ) Evidence shows that men get AIDS more easily than women.( ) 5. It could be dangerous to have sex without using a condom. ( ) red ribbon * * * * * 高二英语选修六  屯字中学 杜星华 Unit 3 Using Language   HIV/AIDS: Are you at risk? Depression Mental disease Breast cancer Physical disease Commit suicide How much do you know about AIDS and HIV? It is the symbol of red ribbon 20世纪80年代末,美国的一些艺术家用红丝带来默默悼念身边死于艾滋病的同伴们。在一次世界艾滋病大会上,艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病病人齐声呼吁人们的理解。一条长长的红丝带被抛在会场的上空,支持者们将其剪成小段,并用别针将折叠好的红丝带标志别在胸前。 后来,许多关注艾滋病的爱心组织、医疗机构、咨询电话纷纷以“红丝带”命名。红丝带逐渐成为呼唤全社会关注艾滋病的防治问题,理解、关爱艾滋病病毒感染者及艾滋病病人的国际性标志。 virus AIDS How HIV destroys cells. HIV destroy 截至2015年,中国近50万人感染艾滋病。其中约15%为15-24岁的年轻人且年轻男性的感染率在上升。 HIV/AIDS: ARE YOU AT RISK? This passage can be divided into ______sections. Match the main idea with each Section. Skimming/ Read the first sentence of each para . three Some wrong statements Background information about AIDS and HIV Ways to protect yourself Fast reading 1. We can infer from the passage that ____. A. HIV is equal to AIDS B. HIV is different from AIDS C. HIV weakens a person’s immune system D. people can have HIV in their blood for quite a long time B Detailed reading 2. In order to stay safe, you ____. A. should not share needles with anyone else B. have to avoid using anything else that the person has used while injecting drugs. C. should use a condom if you have sex with another one. D. All of the above. D While reading Let ,s have a quiz about AIDS and HIV ! Which may lead to being inf


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