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25 1 Vol. 25, No. 1 2005 2 EARTHQUAKE ENG INEERING AND ENG INEER ING VIBRATION Feb. 2005 : 1000-1301( 2005) 01- 0054- 04 - 1, 2 2 逯静洲 , 李庆斌 ( 1. , 264005; 2. , 100084) : , , , : ; ; ; : P315. 9 6 : A V ibration perform an ce of electrorheological flu id-m ortar can tilever beam s 1, 2 2 Lu Jingzhou , L iQ ingb in ( 1. Departm ent of Civ ilEng ineering, Y antaiUniversity, Yantai 264005, China; 2. Departm ent ofHydraulic andHydropow er Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China) Abs tract: A mortar cantileverw ith filled electrorheological fluid w as made to investigate the natural vibration fre- quency by hammering test. The changing ru le of frequencies under d ifferent electric field intensity w as analyzed. Them ain factors influencing the natural frequencies of the composite beam sw ere exam ined. The expermi ental re- su lts ind icate that the first and second order natural frequencies increased apparently w ith the increase of electric field intensity, how ever, the third order one is changeless. Moreover the position of electrorheological p iece embed- ded in mortar beams has a lot of influence on the vibration performance. In addition, the physicalmechan ism w hy the changing of the applied voltage can alter the frequency of composite beam w as d iscussed. This research sets up an expermi ental basis for the application of electrorheological fluid to the field of vibr


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