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One simple way to decide between solutions is to chart each solution on the selection matrix. This can be done relatively quickly with solutions which are in the top right hand box being the best ones to choose to implement. If there are no solutions in the this box then there needs to be group discussion about those in the top left and bottom right hand boxes to decide which is/are the best solution(s) to plan to implement. Corrective action Usually refers to short-term fixes. The advantages are that these kinds of solution tend to cost less, are easier to do, get people excited about the problem solving process, and may be all that is needed to eliminate the immediate pain caused by the problem. The disadvantages are that the solution is not addressing systemic causes, often does not lead to permanent solutions, and diverts resources from the “real issue.” Preventive action Usually refers to what can be viewed as a long-term solution. The advantages are that these kinds of solutions can provide extensive changes necessary to solve root causes, and sometimes are the only way to sustain lasting change. The disadvantages are that they can be risky if they are the only one offered, they require more care in implementation, may be controversial, may run contrary to the short-term perspective of the business, and you may not find out the outcome for a long-time. Often the problem we face is one which other teams are also facing. If Nokia is to get the best from everyone we need to share good practise so that we don’t waste our effort soling problems someone else has already solved! If we share good practice we can help each other to work more effectively. WHY-WHY ANALYSIS The Why-Why analysis helps to identify the root causes of a problem. In addition, the analysis helps the team to recognize the broad network of problem causes and the relationship among these causes. It can indicate the best areas to address for short- and long-term solutions. How to use


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