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《老友记》13个最感人的瞬间 难度:容易 作者:沪江英语 来源:BuzzFeed Friends 1 1. Phoebe says good-bye to the triplets. 菲比和三胞胎说再见。 Episode: “The One Hundredth” Season: 5 第五季 《三胞胎》 After a last-minute attempt to keep one of her brother’s surrogate babies, Phoebe has a tearful heart-to-heart with the triplets — where she heartbreakingly admits that labor wasn’t the hard part, but rather saying good-bye to them. 代孕妈妈菲比在想要留下一个婴儿的最后努力失败后,泪流满面地同三胞胎交心谈话。她伤心欲绝,承认最难的不是分娩,而是和他们说再见。 Friends 2 2. Richard and Monica break up on the dance floor of Barry and Mindy’s wedding. 理查德和莫妮卡在巴里和明蒂的婚礼舞池上分手 Episode: “The One with Barry and Mindy’s Wedding” Season: 2 第二季《巴利和明蒂大喜之日》 Monica makes a difficult decision and breaks up her perfect relationship with Richard over her desire to have children (with someone who wants to). 莫妮卡做出艰难决定,要结束和理查德这段完美恋情,找另外一个人一起要个孩子。 Friends 3 3. The final scene. 最后一幕 Episode: “The Last One” Season: 10 第十季《最后一集》 In the emotional final scene, the six friends tearfully turn in their keys to Monica and Chandler’s apartment as they prepare to go their separate ways. 在令人伤感的最后一幕中,六个朋友眼含热泪,交出了莫妮卡和钱德勒的公寓钥匙,此后他们分道扬镳。 Friends 4 4. When Rachel says good-bye to everyone. 当瑞秋和所有人说再见时 Episode: “The One with Rachel’s Going Away Party” Season: 10 第十季《瑞秋的欢送派对》 Rachel gives everyone an emotional good-bye — one that also felt like it was for us viewers. While the focus may have been on her difficult good-bye to Ross, it was the genuinely sweet moment she has with Chandler that really gets us. 瑞秋的告别打动了每一个人——她甚至像是在对我们观众告别。虽然重点应该是她和罗斯的难舍难分,但那段她和钱德勒的甜蜜时刻才真正戳到我们心里去。 Friends 5 5. The Monica and Chandler proposal. 莫妮卡和钱德勒的求婚场景 Episode: “The One with the Proposal” Season: 6 第六季《求婚》 An emotionally overwhelmed Monica gets down on her knees and proposes to Chandler, in one of the most romantic scenes of the entire series. 莫妮卡情绪非常激动,跪下向钱德勒求婚。这是所有剧集中最浪漫的场景之一。 Friends 6 6. Rachel gets off the plane. 瑞秋走下飞机 Episode: “The Last One” Season: 10 第十季《最后一集》 After 10 seasons, the Ross and Rachel saga finally got its happ


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