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7B Unit8 Pets Revision elephant tiger dog cat rabbit goldfish parrot mouse panda camel ant giraffe snake kangaroo fight and bite each other chase and catch a ball do wonderful tricks build sb. camps out of sticks sleep anywhere They are ________. mice hold it in ones hand watch them swim around fin tail Fish have ____and ____to swim around. fins tails learn to speak teach them to speak wing feathers tail watch it swim around 给那大象喂香蕉 一条黑白相间的尾巴 为我用树枝搭建帐篷 敲笼子的门 在他的膝盖上睡觉 看它游来游去 在阳光下读书 教这鹦鹉说话 按门铃 拉兔子的耳朵 梳理皮毛 保暖 遛狗 确保 在缸的底部 照顾他到最后 feed the elephant bananas sleep on his lap read in the sun teach the parrot to speak knock on the cage door build me camps out of sticks a black-and-white tail look after him until the end ring the doorbell pull the rabbits ears brush the fur keep warm take the dog for a walk at the bottom of the tank make sure 重点词组 frighten the cat 把某物握在手中 睁大眼睛 一个兔笼子 在…的边缘 和她一起玩 吓唬猫 发出许多噪音 重约两公斤 hold sth in one’s hand play with her make a lot of noise weigh about 2 kilogrames on the edge of a rabbit hutch with eyes open wide 重点词组 坐在饭桌旁 sit at the table 把她自己藏在橱柜里 hide herself in the cupboard. 打扫鱼缸 clean the fish tank 所有动物中最聪明的 the cleverest animal of all 四处找我 look around for me 蓝绿相间的羽毛 blue-and-green feathers walk pull frighten brush keep teach put clean change take You must _______ the dog once a day if you want it to be healthy. You should not ________ the timid(胆小的)cat. You should _______ the dog’s fur. You should _____ the fish tank clean three times a week. You must _______ the water for the goldfish once a week. You shouldn’t ______ the rabbit’s ears. You should _______your parrot to speak. You mustn’t ______ the goldfish out of the tank. walk pull frighten brush keep change teach take 1)肯定祈使句:用动词原形开头,可通过please使命令的口气变得客气一点。Please可放在句首,或放在句尾时,通常用逗号与句子的前面部分隔开。 祈使句 giving instructions Please come earlier next time. Stop talking, please. Don’t be too noisy. Don’t frighten the cat 看例句,总结规律 2) 否定祈使


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