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May 12th Today I ___(go) on a school trip. We ___(visit) the science museum and it ___(be) really interesting. We ___(go) there so fast by train. We ___(see) some farms and villages along the way. At the museum, I ___(learn) a lot about robots. I ___(do not) know they ___(can) play chess with us. It ___(be) so cool! Then the guide ___(teach) us how to make a model robot. I ___(take) a lot of great photos, too. After that, I ___(go) to the gift shop and ___(buy) some lovely gifts for my parents. They ___(be not) expensive. All in all, it ___(be) an exciting day.; Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?;What did Xiaoxin do last weekend ?;play the guitar and sing;go to the beach;camped by the lake;did homework;went to the beach;Race you!;1a Match the words with the pictures. did my homework 2. went to the cinema 3. went boating 4. camped by the lake 5. went to the beach 6. played badminton;2a.Listen and underline the words you hear;;What did he do last night?;What did she do last week?;谁最默契!;;2a.Listen and underline the words you hear;Paul: Hi,Lisa. How was your weekend? Lisa: Great, thanks. Paul: What did you do? Lisa: I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum. Paul: Really? How interesting! Lisa: Yeah, it was fun. They have a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterflies! I told the visitors about them and their living habits. Did you have a good weekend? Paul: Yeah,it was good, but I’m kind of tired now. I stayed up late to watch the soccer game.;用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Mr Brown ______(live) in Tokyo in 1990. 2. I ______(stay) at home and _________(practice) English yesterday. 1.What _______(do) your father do last Monday? 2.Tom ________(study) English last night. 3.They________(go) to the park yesterday afternoon. 4.We___________( have) a class meeting last Tuesday afternoon. 5.He_________(see) a funny TV show last weekend. 6.Lily _________(read) a story the day before yesterday. 7.The boys


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