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6-03癃闭 The third section Longbitong Longbitong is due to kidney and bladder dysfunction of Qi to reduce the amount of urine, dysuria, urinary obstruction is very main symptom Disease certificate. The urination, drip and lack, slow disease is called long; to urinate occlusion, nil, disease If the situation is urgent, it is called shut. Although there are differences between the long and closed, but refers to the dysuria, only the extent of different, so called Longbitong, By the name of first appeared in the classic, the Eastern Han Dynasty emperor Shang surnamed Liu Minglong, as a result of taboo, will long to shower, or to close. place In the Treatise on and Golden Chamber are not by name, only gonorrhea and urination records. This taboo affects the extreme For reaching up to the Song Dynasty, is still not long, drench. Song - three for a disease andsyndrome theory said: all that the ancient long, different name. Yuan - Danxi Xinfa is the only record of urination and drench, without name longbi. After the Ming Dynasty, it will rain, long branch Open and become independent diseases. In the past more than 10 years, using the method of traditional Chinese medicine on the various reports by the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and achieved satisfactory Curative effect. By including urinary retention caused by various reasons of Western medicine and anuria; such as neurogenic bladder sphincter spasm, anuria, The urinary retention of urinary calculi, urinary tract tumors, urinary tract injury, urethral stricture, benign prostatic hyperplasia in the elderly, such as the spinal cord inflammation disease Oliguria and oliguria caused by renal insufficiency. For these diseases, we can refer to the content of this section. (syndrome characteristics) The clinical features of uroschesis is dysuria, micturition number can be increased or reduced, but the total daily urine volume decreased than normal, row No sensation of pain in urine. The clinic can be divided into two


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