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当定额子目没有我们需要的定额时的换算技巧 When we need no quota items quota conversion skills.Txt24 life is like the sea, tolerance for a boat, boating Yu Hai, known as the wide sea life; however, tolerance for size, path hiking, we know the tall hill; life Cantabile, tolerance is the song, and the song and the song, that song. When we need no quota items quota conversion techniques For example: Shenzhen 2003 quota as an example (other provinces can refer to adjustment) How can polymer cement mortar be coated? 1, in 1007-139: polymer cement mortar waterproof thick 20mm facade The quantity found inside the 1: 2 cement mortar that is 2.04m3 and the content of polymer latex 229.5kg content [we can calculate the content per square meter (2.04-0.0 [loss] 4], /100 = 2 cm thick, 229.5/100/2 = 2.295kg] Then the corresponding adjustment needs per square metre section can be polymer [such as 7mm:2.04/2*7 = required content; 229.5/2*7 = required content] Construction project budget review skills The project budget is the document that determines the cost of the project and the consumption of the work and material, and it is the basis of the economic and reasonable assessment of the project investment. So do the project budget The review work will help to improve the design level and investment efficiency. Now the author combines years of work practice, construction engineering budget review skills. First, attach importance to the collection of complete documentation The examiner shall collect the relevant documents and materials for the preparation of the budget by the relevant departments and personnel, including: 1, construction and structural professional submission of a full set of civil construction drawings; 2, the general layout of the earth and stone projects and roads, retaining walls, walls and other structures vertical mapping; 3, the project area of the overall budget quota, construction materials budget prices, indirect costs and the cost of the relevant provisions of the document; 4.



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