剑桥playway1 unit4.ppt

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Review Cards 1-10(book,pencil case,scissors,pencil,schoolbag,glue,apple,banana,plum,pear.) 1. Show all the cards to S. 2. Max takes one card from the shopping bag, asking S what the word is? Let S guess three words. 3. Max reads out the correct words. Reviewing words: cat猫 : Miaow! T immitate Cat. dog狗 : Woof! Dogs tail or ears. hamster仓鼠 :fat face mouse老鼠 : Squeak (three fingers walking on another hand) duck鸭子 : Quack Ducks mouth with four fingers. rabbit兔子:Jump T says one word, S do actions. 1. Stick the word cards on the board. T says one word, S point to the word card. T says: _Candy , Touch the cat, please. Pupils Book p12单词,Pupils CD No. 13 cat猫 : Miaow! T immitate Cat. dog狗 : Woof! Dogs tail or ears. hamster仓鼠 :fat face mouse老鼠 : Squeak (three fingers walking on another hand) duck鸭子 : Quack Ducks mouth with four fingers. rabbit兔子:Jump 1.T whispers one word to one S, the S does gesture or action, other S have to guess the word. Who got it right can come to the stage and performs. 2.T reads words on the board and clap hands(X=clap): Cat XXX dog XXX hamster XXX Cat XX dog XX hamster XX Cat Xdog X hamster X mouse Xduck Xrabbit X Whats missing? T lets S cover their eyes. T take one or more cards, and change their orders, S have to guess whats missing? Actitity: Pupils book, P 12 . Work in pairs. A has to say one word, B points out the pictures, then change roles. Lesson 2: T mouth Words: cat, dog, hamster, mouse, duck, rabbit. without any sounds. S have to guess the words and say them out loud. Is it a cat? No, sorry. Is it a dog? Yes! 3.T helps Max to hold one card with back facing S. S guess what animal on the card. 4.Give every S a card without letting others see the pictures, then encourage other kids guess what animal it is. 5.T invites 6 S come to the stage standing in a line holding a card in hands. 6.T stands in a line with S and clap hands with other S. S who hold cards will say the animal name. Follow the rhythm. X


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