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* Playway to English B3U6 chair cupboard board desk window door washbasin pot plant Warmer station cinema museum hotel school hospital supermarket church post office Where’s the cinema? cinema supermarket station It’s next to the supermarket. It’s opposite the station. Where’s the…? Review swim skate play football ride a horse play tennis cook dance Presentation sail a boat roller-blade ski play the saxophone play volleyball feed the squirrel cook spaghetti Can you …? Yes, I can./No, I can’t. Talk in class Listen and tick(Part3),then play the game on Page30. Her name is Lizzy, and shes so busy. Shes got to so many things to do. She feeds the squirrels in the park, she plays the saxophone. She rides her bike around the town, and then she dances with a clown. Her name is Lizzy, and shes so busy. Shes got many things to do. She goes sailling every day, and she plays volleyvall. She cooks sapghetti for her friends, her busy day just never ends. Her name is Lizzy, and shes busy. Shes got so many thhings to do. What can you see in the picture? What’s Max doing? Let’s watch the video and find out the answers. Story Max on holiday On Monday, Max makes a snowman. On Tuesday, he goes curling. On Wednesday ,Max goes sledging. On Thursday ,he goes snowboaring. On Friday ,Max goes ice-skating. On Saturday ,Linda, Benny and Max have a snowball fight . On Sunday , they go skiing. The missing texts. *


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